Alan Taylor, director de varios episodios de Juego de Tronos y de la secuela de Thor, no ha confirmado si será el director que se encargará del reinicio de la franquicia de Terminator. Y hace unos días (más bien semanas) comentó que su inspiración sería lo que hizo Chris Nolan con la franquicia de Batman, diciendo también, que cualquier versión sea quien sea el que la dirija debería ser respetuosa con las dos primeras películas (las de James Cameron):
We all love the first two and I actually went back and watched them again and my respect level only went up. I think there is another famous franchise that had a wonderful beginning and then turned a little bananas….Tim Burton’s first Batman is just glorious and by the time it got around to nipples on costumes and all that stuff it sort of lost its way. And for [Christopher] Nolan to come in an say ‘I respect this material so much I’m going to take it up to *here,* that’s a great inspiration.’ I think any version, whoever is directing Terminator, would be very respectful and serve the first two and probably feel a bit more freedom by the end.Fuente: Slashfilm

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